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A 2017 NICE Actimize FMC Survey

​​​​​​​Conduct-related threats such as collusion, unauthorized trading, benchmark manipulation and rogue trading put firms at risk. They're difficult to prevent because they don't follow a predictable pattern that can be modeled. Behavioral analytics can help uncover hidden, conduct-related threats.

​​​​​​​Defining behavioral analytics as "the measurement of anomalies from an individual's "'normal'" behavior or their peer group across multiple risk factors", NICE Actimize conducted a survey in 2017 of 60 respondents from financial institutions including broker/dealers and investment banks worldwide.

​​​​​​​82% of respondents agree or strongly agree that behavioral analytics can uncover hidden threats that model based analytics aren't designed to detect.

​​​​​​​Want to learn more? Download the full results report now.​

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