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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Internal Threats Solution​

​An asset as a threat​

Employees represent one of your organization's greatest assets, but financial loss and reputational damage from negative employee activity represents an even greater threat. Employees have access to systems, funds and information, as well as knowledge of institutional practices. The challenge is to identify employee collusion, fraud and non-compliant behaviors and then build appropriate investigation cases against employees while ensuring effective asset protection for the bank and your customers.​

​Comprehensive capabilities to effectively monitor employee activity​

Our Employee Fraud solution detects fraudulent employee activity across the enterprise, business lines and channels, providing protection from monetary losses, risk and brand damage. Our solution runs on the ActOne Intelligent Investigation Platform, which provides visual analytics and artifical intelligence to save investigation time. Detect fraudulent employee activity and violation of corporate policy with:​

  • Highly effective collusion and relationship discovery
  • Machine learning models – with a managed analytics service and self-development capabilities
  • Peer profiling and behavioral analytics
  • Integrated fraud management data and real-time fraud prevention
  • Comprehensive investigation management tools​

​Protect yourself from the inside out​​

NICE Actimize’s Employee Fraud solution helps reduce fraud losses and reputational risk. Our goal is to help FI’s increase investigator productivity by streamlining the fraud investigation process with an end-to-end employee fraud and policy violation management system. We provide all of this while improving regulation compliance and organizational policies to protect your business.​