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Communications Voice Management

Strict rules for recording and retention

We know that today's trading floors face strict regulations requiring the storage of all trade communications, the ability to easily access the information respond to compliance queries in a timely manner. Factor these requirements over the thousands of trades that occur each day and the management of these calls is daunting.

Total management of all voice calls on the trading floor

We know that today's trading floors face strict regulations requiring the storage of all trade communications, the ability to easily access the information respond to compliance queries in a timely manner. Factor these requirements over the thousands of trades that occur each day and the management of these calls is daunting.

Rest easy, compliance is assured

Prevent damage to your firm's reputation and non-compliance penalties by ensuring that you capture all trading communication and have access to all trade-related calls. With quicker responses to compliance queries you can efficiently ensure that all traders and endpoints are recorded.

Follow the regulations and policies

You need a flexible, auditable workflow process for replaying call recordings in trading floor environments enabling you to comply with strict regulations and company policies while still providing fast access to recorded calls.

Tape Conversion with ongoing Voice Call Management

You may need to provide recording evidence for litigation reasons and are presented a challenge whereby calls are “on tape”. Tape conversion creates the foundation to comply with current and future requirements for historic recordings.​